
Application scenario

The factory has more than 2,000 employees in a number of different departments. Before this they used fingerprint unit for the attendance checking. However, due to the slow damage of workers’ fingerprints, it is often very difficult to recognize them after some time. Further, the fingerprint units can easily break down. This gives so many difficulties to the usage, maintenance and the attendance management that those units have been thrown away.

System upgrade

(Face Recognition Unit)

Four face recognition units are deployed at the factory's gates. Combined with the access control systems, they help to manage the in and out of staffs and all attendances. The units are also mount at the office and the logistics centre to manage the corresponding attendance.


Our face recognition attendance unit does not require card and any hand action. The identification speed is fast enough (less than 1 second) with very high accuracy. It works 24/7 stably since mounted.